Time for a Change

To our wonderful customers,

Things change, and things stay the same. This email is about a little bit of both. As of April 1, 2024 the leadership for MissionConnect software has transitioned from myself to Jacob Fifhause.

I incorporated Great Spirit Systems on May 1, 1994, nearly 30 years ago. The first name of our software, Mission Southwest, began operations with a customer in early 1995. Through numerous software versions and a couple of software name changes, MissionSouthwest / MissionBase / MissionConnect™  has been operating in United Methodist conference offices ever since.

Today, 20 United Methodist conferences use MissionConnect in various combinations of the multiple apps that make up the MissionConnect software. We support all of the apps in MissionConnect with three people – Jacob, Lori, and myself.

As of April 1st, I have begun stepping back from some of the functions I have been doing for 30 years. As I turn over the leadership to Jacob, I began a new chapter by working three quarter time. The plan is that I will reduce my working hours through the end of 2024, after which time I will work for GSS on an “as needed” basis. I could not hand over this business to two, more capable people than to Jacob and Lori.

I also could not wish for a greater customer base than we have today. I have always tried to keep my relationship with each of you on a professional basis, while at the same time I feel that each of you is also my friend. I really appreciate each and every one of you.

I’ll still be responding to help desk calls throughout this year, and will likely have conversations with many of you, but I wanted to let you all know my plan to step aside in a few months. I will then begin to work on a very long list of unfulfilled personal goals and dreams that my spouse and I have been making for the past 49 years. And who knows; maybe I’ll cross paths with you on the personal side of life one of these days. That would be fun!

Al Fifhause



Introducing Ministry Financials

Great Spirit Systems latest web application, Ministry Financials, allows your churches to view statement activity, enter income, and provides payment functionality.

Take a look!